2019年3月2日 星期六

David Copperfield

圖像裡可能有1 人、鬍鬚



Title page of the first edition by Bradbury & Evans, signed by Dickens

思果先生的是中文第四個全譯本。他的創舉是在每回回目之外,另加中國舊式小說的題目 (學紅樓夢八字對)。它的缺點是沒收插圖。
莊絳傳的翻譯本(人民文學,沒交代插圖來源,不及企鵝版) 提到Wikipedia 收的托爾斯泰意見的前半:
Tolstoy, for his part, considered it "the best work of the best English novelist" and, according to F R and Q D Leavis, was inspired by David and Dora's love story to have Prince Andrew marry Princess Lise in War and Peace.[23]


David Copperfield 小時讀了好幾本Tobias Smollett的書,中譯本的註解都過份簡略。

"‘Begging your honour's pardon, (replied Clinker) may not the new light of God's grace shine upon the poor and the ignorant in their humility, as well as upon the wealthy, and the philosopher in all his pride of human learning?’ What you imagine to be the new light of grace, (said his master) I take to be a deceitful vapour, glimmering through a crack in your upper storey." - Tobias Smollett
