2019年1月7日 星期一

Iris Murdoch

中文本: Iris Murdoch 先生的悼念書、小說數本


中文書 , 艾瑞斯‧梅鐸   梁永安 , 木馬文化 , 出版日期: 2003


中文書 , 艾瑞斯.梅鐸   阮叔梅 , 木馬文化 , 出版日期: 2006


"For Murdoch, description is never neutral. The moral task is to describe one’s circumstance correctly. Once you find the right description, choice is virtually automatic, though not on that account unfree. This process calls for 'unsentimental, detached, unselfish, objective attention […] a kind of intellectual ability to perceive what is true, which is automatically at the same time a suppression of self'; once fully achieved, 'true vision occasions right conduct.' 'If I attend properly,' Murdoch writes, 'I will have no choices and this is the ultimate condition to be aimed at.'"


“Innumerable Intentions and Charms”: On Gary Browning’s “Why Iris Murdoch Matters” - Los Angeles Review of Books
