2018年8月11日 星期六

‘The Song of Los’ "Song: Memory, Hither Come" by William Blake

The king and queen of the fairies recline on lilies in this page from ‘The Song of Los’ written and illustrated by William Blake, who died #onthisday in 1827.
What’s your favourite Blake poem? http://ow.ly/zqMC30lleRb

The Song of Los - Wikipedia


The Song of Los (written 1795) is one of William Blake's epic poems, known as prophetic books. The poem consists of two sections, "Africa" and "Asia". In the first section Blake catalogues the decline of morality in Europe, which he blames on ...
Poet and painter William Blake was born in Soho, London, England on this day in 1757.
"Song: Memory, Hither Come" by William Blake
Memory, hither come, 
And tune your merry notes;
And, while upon the wind
Your music floats,
I'll pore upon the stream
Where sighing lovers dream,
And fish for fancies as they pass
Within the watery glass.
I'll drink of the clear stream,
And hear the linnet's song;
And there I'll lie and dream
The day along:
And, when night comes, I'll go
To places fit for woe,
Walking along the darken'd valley
With silent Melancholy.
This is a selection of the poet's work, including all the great lyrics and the more important prophetic books. In her introduction the poet and critic expounds Blake's esoteric theory and shows how it helped to create a poetry which is unlike any other. The tigers that crouched in Blake's baleful spiritual forests, the roses and sunflowers whose mystical properties he rendered with such accurate music, the angels with whom he wrestled and who delivered prophetic books to him late at night, were literally more real to him than the London, where, in the period of the French Revolution, he lived out his life of poverty and indignant isolation. One of England's great lyric poets; one of Europe's great visionaries. Introduction by Kathleen Raine. READ more here: http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/14652/poems-and-prophecies/1則

"Cruelty has a human heart,
And Jealousy a human face;
Terror the human form divine,
And Secrecy the human dress."
–William Blake, died #OTD 1827. Blake was an English artist and poet, whose poems mark the beginning of romanticism.
