2018年1月22日 星期一

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,

《含淚的微笑》與《遠方》是許達然前期散文的代表作,抒情意味濃厚,在玄想中帶有 ...
Thou pendulum betwixt a smile and tear.
Lord Byron, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto IV (1818), Stanza 109.
以前讀 Hayek on Hayek 一書,
很羨慕他夫妻申請到獎助金,沿著Childe Harold 的路線壯遊!

For that reason, he was not among the best-known mountaineers. The first many people had heard of him was when, in early July, an avalanche caused by a toppling ice-block swept him away, with eight others, on Mont Maudit, beside Mont Blanc. He was guiding two clients along a popular route; the way and the weather looked safe. He was travelling light, on what he liked to call “another day in the office”. As no one knew better than himself, there was no perfect safety in mountains. But he would not have been in any other place, for, in Byron’s words, “Where rose the mountains, there to him were friends”.

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage

By George Gordon, Lord Byron

Canto the Third


But soon he knew himself the most unfit     100
Of men to herd with Man; with whom he held
Little in common; untaught to submit
His thoughts to others, though his soul was quell'd
In youth by his own thoughts; still uncompell'd,
He would not yield dominion of his mind
To spirits against whom his own rebell'd;
Proud though in desolation; which could find
A life within itself, to breathe without mankind.

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage

By George Gordon, Lord Byron

Canto the Third
