2012年4月29日 星期日

The Common by Virginia Woolf , the unique quality of a Chekhov story

Virginia Woolf mused on the unique quality of a Chekhov story in The Common Reader (1925):
But is it the end, we ask? We have rather the feeling that we have overrun our signals; or it is as if a tune had stopped short without the expected chords to close it. These stories are inconclusive, we say, and proceed to frame a criticism based upon the assumption that stories ought to conclude in a way that we recognise. In so doing we raise the question of our own fitness as readers. Where the tune is familiar and the end emphatic—lovers united, villains discomfited, intrigues exposed—as it is in most Victorian fiction, we can scarcely go wrong, but where the tune is unfamiliar and the end a note of interrogation or merely the information that they went on talking, as it is in Tchekov, we need a very daring and alert sense of literature to make us hear the tune, and in particular those last notes which complete the harmony.[99]
 The Common by Virginia Woolf

v., framed, fram·ing, frames. v.tr.
  1. To build by putting together the structural parts of; construct: frame a house.
  2. To conceive or design: framed an alternate proposal.
  3. To arrange or adjust for a purpose: The question was framed to draw only one answer.
    1. To put into words; formulate: frame a reply.
    2. To form (words) silently with the lips.
  4. To enclose in or as if in a frame: frame a painting.
  5. Informal.
    1. To make up evidence or contrive events so as to incriminate (a person) falsely.
    2. To prearrange (a contest) so as to ensure a desired fraudulent outcome; fix: frame a prizefight.
  1. Archaic. To go; proceed.
  2. Obsolete. To manage; contrive.
  1. Something composed of parts fitted and joined together.
  2. A structure that gives shape or support: the frame of a house.
    1. An open structure or rim for encasing, holding, or bordering: a window frame; the frame of a mirror.
    2. A closed, often rectangular border of drawn or printed lines.
  3. A pair of eyeglasses, excluding the lenses. Often used in the plural: had new lenses fitted into an old pair of frames.
  4. The structure of a human or animal body; physique: a worker's sturdy frame.
  5. A cold frame.
  6. A general structure or system: the frame of government.
  7. A general state or condition: The news put me into a better frame of mind.
  8. A frame of reference.
  9. Sports & Games.
    1. A round or period of play in some games, such as bowling and billiards.
    2. Baseball. An inning.
  10. A single picture on a roll of movie film or videotape.
  11. The total area of a complete picture in television broadcasting.
  12. An individual drawing within a comic strip.
  13. Computer Science.
    1. A rectangular segment within a browser's window that can be scrolled independently of other such segments.
    2. A single step in a sequence of programmed instructions.
  14. Informal. A frame-up.
  15. Obsolete. Shape; form.
[Middle English framen, from Old English framian, to further, from fram, forward. See from.]
framable fram'a·ble or frame'a·ble adj.

(1) (窓などの)枠, 額縁;(鏡の)縁;((通例〜s))(眼鏡の)フレーム.
(2) (新聞・雑誌などの囲み記事の)枠, 囲み.
2 (建物・機械・家具・車・船・飛行機などの)骨組み;(機器の動作部分を支える)台枠;(ししゅうの)枠;《海事》フレーム, 肋材(ろくざい).
3 [U][C](人 などの)体格, 骨格;(特に性的魅力のある女性の)上半身.
4 心の状態, 気分
be in a proper frame of mind to do [for doing]
5 (抽象的な)構造物;(政治・社会などの)組織, 機構, 体制.
6 (ガラス張りの)温床, 温室, フレーム.
7 《野球》イニング, 回;《ボウリング》フレーム.
8 (フィルム・続き漫画の)1こま.
9 《コンピュータ》フレーム:動画像のもとになる静止画像の一こま.
10 《テレビ》フレーム:走査線の連続で構成される画面1枚.
11 《印刷》植字台;《製本》(本の表紙の)縁飾り.
12 ((俗))=frame-up.
1 …を組み立てる, 形作る;〈計画などを〉立案[考案, 構想]する;〈詩・文書などを〉作る
frame a new tax bill
新 しい税法案をまとめる
frame a theory [a rule, a story]
理論[規則, 話]を作り上げる.
2 〈考えなどを〉心にいだく;〈言葉・返事などを〉口に出して言う.
3III[名]([副])]… を(目的に)合わせる((for ...));[V[名]to do](…するのに)合うように作る
a novel framed for younger readers
4 ((略式))〈計画などを〉たくらむ, でっち上げる;〈試合などを〉仕組む, 八百長する((up));〈人を〉陥れる, はめる, 〈人に〉ぬれ衣(ぎぬ)を着せる((up))
frame a scandal
醜聞 をたくらむ
frame a person up for murder
殺 人のぬれ衣を着せる.
5 〈絵・写真などを〉額に入れる;…を囲む, 縁どる.
1 おもむく, 行く(go).
2 〈計画・行動などが〉進行[進展]する;進行[進展]の見込みがある.
[古英語framian (fram利益のある)利益が上がる→押し進める→建設する. △FROM
