2017年6月21日 星期三

"Eternity" by Arthur Rimbaud

"Eternity" by Arthur Rimbaud

It’s found we see.
What? – Eternity.
It’s the sun, free
To flow with the sea.
Soul on watch
Let whispers confess
Of the empty night
Of the day’s excess.
From the mortal weal
From the common urge
Here you diverge
To fly as you feel.
Since from you alone,
Embers of satin,
Duty breathes down
With no ‘at last’ spoken.
There’s nothing of hope,
No entreaty here.
Science and patience,
Torture is real.
It’s found we see.
What? – Eternity.
It’s the sun, free
To flow with the sea.
Poems: Rimbaud contains selections from Rimbaud’s work, including over 100 poems, selected prose, "Letter to Paul Demeny, May 15, 1871," and an index of first lines. READ more here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/rimbaud-poems-by-arthu…/



  • 1Having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly.1.1 (of an object or sound) collected in its natural state and presented in a new context as part of a work of art or piece of music.
    1. ‘collages of found photos’
    2. 1.2 (of art) comprising or making use of found objects.
    3. 1.3 (of poetry) formed by taking a piece of non-poetic text and reinterpreting its structure metrically.
  • 2with submodifier (of a ship) equipped.
    ‘the ship was well found and seaworthy’
