2017年5月11日 星期四

The Bloomsbury Group: A Collection of Memoirs, Commentary, and Criticism.A Bloomsbury Group Reader

2006 年,江蘇教育出版社企劃出版【布魯姆斯伯里文化圈】4本 (缺地3本)


內容簡介 · · · · · ·








作者簡介 · · · · · ·
昆汀·貝爾(Quentin Bell, 1910—1996),英國著名的藝術批評家、雕刻家、畫家、作家,蘇塞克斯大學歷史與藝術理論教授;布魯姆斯伯里文化圈主要成員克萊夫·貝爾和瓦奈薩·貝爾的兒子、弗吉尼·伍爾夫的外甥。其著作有《弗吉尼亞?伍爾夫傳》、《回憶布魯姆斯伯里》等。季進,文學博士,現任教於蘇州大學文學院。著有《錢鍾書與現代西學》、《李歐梵季進對話錄》等,譯有《中國文學律條與蘇聯影響,1956—1960》(福克馬著)等,主編有“西方現代批評經典譯叢”、“海外中國現代文學研究譯叢”。
作者: [美]貝爾
譯者: 季進
出版年: 2006年7月
頁數: 169
定價: 17.00元


歲月與海浪 布魯姆斯伯里文化圈人物群像

作者 / 羅森鮑姆

出版社 / 江苏教育出版社

出版日期 / 2006/07/01

作者簡介 · · · · · ·

SP羅森鮑姆(SP Rosenbaum),加拿大多倫多大學英國文學教授,加拿大皇家學會成員,文學史家,為研究布魯姆斯伯里文化圈的專家,發表的相關著作有《維多利亞時代的布魯姆斯伯里》、《愛德華時代的布魯姆斯伯里》、《布魯姆斯伯里面面觀》等。


作者:   [加蓬]羅森鮑姆
出版年: 2006
頁數: 251
定價: 19.80元
叢書:  布魯姆斯伯里文化圈人物群像

內容簡介  · · · · · ·

作者簡介  · · · · · ·


A Bloomsbury Group Reader
S. P. Rosenbaum (Editor)
ISBN: 978-0-631-19059-2
444 pages
September 1993, Wiley-Blackwell


Because whenever they wrote the members of Bloomsbury tried to write well, there is an abundant variety of illuminating and delightful reading to be found in the short prose works of the Group's novelists, biographers, critics, and even political economists. In A Bloomsbury Group Reader Professor Rosenbaum offers a representative selection of such writings by Virginia Woolf, E. M. Forster, Lytton Strachey, Roger Fry, Desmond MacCarthy, Clive Bell, Leonard Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, and Vanessa Bell. His focus in this selection is not upon the lives of the Group but upon what finally must justify our interest in them: their work, in this instance, as writers.

Table of Contents

Part I: Forewords:.
Virginia Woolf: The Common Reader.
Lytton Strachey: Preface to Eminent Victorians.
Roger Fry: Introduction to A Sampler of Castille.
E. M. Forster: Introduction to Collected Short Stories.
Part II: Stories:.
E. M. Forster: The Point of It.
Leonard Woolf: Pearls and Swine.
Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street.
Part III: Biographies:.
E. M. Forster: The Emperor Babur.
Lytton Strachey: Madame de Sevigne's Cousin.
Desmond MacCarthy: Disraeli.
Virginia Woolf: Julia Margaret Cameron.
Leonard Woolf: Herbert Spencer.
John Maynard Keynes: Mr. Lloyd George.
Part IV: Essays:.
Lytton Strachey: A Victorian Critic.
Desmond MacCarthy: The Post- Impressionists.
Roger Fry: Art and Socialism.
Clive Bell: The Artistic Problem.
Leonard Woolf: Fear and Politics.
John Maynard Keynes: Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren.
Virginia Woolf: Memories of a Working Women's Guild.
E. M. Forster: What I Believe.
Part V: Talks:.
Lytton Strachey: Art and Indecency.
Virginia Woolf: Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown.
Roger Fry: Impressionism.
J. M. Keynes: On Reading Books.
E. M. Forster: English Prose between 1918 and 1939.
Part VI: Reviews: .
Clive Bell: Ibsen.
Lytton Strachey: Mr Hardy's New Poems.
Desmond McCarthy: The New St. Bernard.
Leonard Woolf: Freud's Psychopathology of Everyday Life.
E. M. Forser: The Complete Poems of C. P. Cavafy.
Virginia Woolf: Ernest Hemingway.
Part VII: Travel Writings:Desmond MacCarthy: Two Historic Houses.
E. M. Forster: Cnidus.
Leonard Woolf: Politics in Spain.
Virginia Woolf: Street Haunting.
Part VIII: Autobiographies:.
Vanessa Bell: Notes on Virginia's Childhood.
Lytton Strachey: Lancaster Gate.
Leonard Woolf: Coming to London.
Virginia Woolf: Old Bloomsbury.
Desmond MacCarthy: To Desmond MacCarthy aet. 22.
E. M. Forster: Three Countries, Clive Bell: Paris in the 'Twenties'.
Part IV: Letters:.
Roger Fry.
Lytton Strachey.
John Maynard Keynes.
Virginia Woolf.
Leonard Woolf.
E. M. Forster.
Part X: Diaries: .
Virginia Woolf: Diary.
Desmond MacCarthy: A Critic's Day-book.
Lytton Strachey: A Fortnight in France.
E. M. Forster: Indian Journal.
Commonplace Book.
Part XI: Afterwords:.
Roger Fry: Retrospect.
John Maynard Keynes: Concluding Notes on the General Theory.
E. M. Forster: A View without a Room.
Virginia Woolf: The Love of Reading.

Author Information

S. P. Rosenbaum (-2012) is the author of Victorian Bloomsbury and Edwardian Bloomsbury - the early literary history of the Bloomsbury Group. He is the editor of The Bloomsbury Group: A Collection of Memoirs, Commentary, and Criticism and Virginia Woolf's Women and Fiction: The Manuscript Versions of A Room of One's Own (Blackwell, 1991).
