2011年5月17日 星期二

Hamlet, Joseph, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver, Mr. Pecksniff, and Alice,




To include Don Quixote in English Literature is a piece of
impudence, though a lesser one than the inclusion in it of a
religious anthology of the Jews, collected by them during a
period of a thousand years, called the Bible. But though Don
Quixote has taken his place with Hamlet, Joseph, Robinson
Crusoe, Gulliver, Mr. Pecksniff, and Alice, his true character is
not yet recognised either in his own country or that of his
adoption. Of the work of Cervantes more than that of any
other, are Goethe's words true, that a poet has to be taught his
own meaning. The genius is hardly aware of the significance
of his performance, since so much of it is the God that speaks
through him as a mouthpiece. In the case of Don Quixote this
is further complicated by the fact that Cervantes, in the Second
Part of Don Quixote, destroys, unconsciously, his own creation
in the First Part.

問題是 Joseph 是誰

Martin Chuzzlewit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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While with the Pecksniffs, the younger Martin meets and befriends Tom Pinch, who is in some ways the true protagonist of the novel. Pinch is a gentle, ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Chuzzlewit - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容

Pecksniff | Define Pecksniff at Dictionary.com

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a person of Pecksniffian attitudes or behavior: a virtuousness that only a pecksniff could aspire to. Use pecksniff in a Sentence · See images of pecksniff ...


Martin Chuzzlewit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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While with the Pecksniffs, the younger Martin meets and befriends Tom Pinch, who is in some ways the true protagonist of the novel. Pinch is a gentle, ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Chuzzlewit - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容

Pecksniff | Define Pecksniff at Dictionary.com

- [ 翻譯這個網頁 ]
a person of Pecksniffian attitudes or behavior: a virtuousness that only a pecksniff could aspire to. Use pecksniff in a Sentence · See images of pecksniff ...

[形]偽善的な, 猫をかぶった. ▼C. Dickensの作品Martin Chuzzlewit(1843-44)の登場人物Seth Pecksniffの名から.

a person of Pecksniffian attitudes or behavior: a virtuousness that only a pecksniff could aspire to.

Peck·sniff·i·an  /pɛkˈsnɪfiən/ Show Spelled[pek-snif-ee-uhn] Show IPA –adjective ( often lowercase ) hypocritically and unctuously affecting benevolence or high moral principles.

Joseph Andrews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - [ 翻譯這個網頁 ]But while Shamela started and finished as a sustained subversion of a rival work
, in Joseph Andrews Fielding merely uses the perceived depravation of ...
The Oxford Companion to English Literature
