2008年8月12日 星期二

Shakespeare Festival in Neuss

Arts on the Air | 13.08.2008 | 05:30

This year’s Shakespeare Festival in Neuss with a Japanese production

Throughout the month long Shakespeare Festival, German audiences will be able to witness for the first time an exciting production of The Winter’s Tale by Japanese director Yoshihiro Kurita in the aesthetic spirit of Noh theatre.

Every summer, the city of Neuss near Düsseldorf attracts international theatre companies to perform in its Shakespeare Globe Theatre. The venue is a reconstruction of the famous Globe Theatre in London and each year the immortal works of the Bard are performed and given new life there. This year the festival was opened by the Bremer Shakespeare Company and its production of the rollicking, humorous comedy All's Well that Ends Well. The festival started on the 14th of July and runs until the 23rd of August.

Report: Cheryl Northey
