2017年1月10日 星期二

Pomegranate石榴 Valéry's Muse of Many Seeds

Pomegranate石榴 Valéry's Muse of Many Seeds

2008年10月,"南風吹過廚房"的主人給的沙拉有十幾樣菜。William Scherkenbach夫人都沒嘗過紫色透黃的粒粒晶瑩石榴子David Hsu拿起手機找它的英文拼寫。
想起Paul Valery的詩。

LES GRENADES (POMEGRANATES): Valéry's Muse of Many Seeds

POMEGRANATES, by             Poet's Biography
First Line: Hard pomegranates sundered
Last Line: Its secret architecture.
Subject(s): Pomegranates

Hard pomegranates sundered
By excess of your seeds,
You make me think of mighty brows
Aburst with their discoveries!

If the suns you underwent,
O pomegranates severed,
Wrought your essence with the pride
To rend your ruby segments,

And if the dry gold of your shell
At instance of a power
Cracks in crimson gems of juice,

This luminous eruption
Sets a soul to dream upon
Its secret architecture.


Dear David Hsu請再查一次:分享
David Hsu
David Hsu 還勉強記得那一頓大餐,其他的全忘了。Pomegranate
