2011年8月27日 星期六

She Stoops to Conquer

She Stoops to Conquer (1773), a comedy by Oliver Goldsmith, produced at Covent Garden. Young Marlow and his friend Hastings travel down the country so that Marlow can see Miss Kate Hardcastle, whom his father intends him to marry. Losing their way, they meet Kate's wastrel stepbrother Tony Lumpkin, who directs them to the family home while telling them it is an inn-house. Marlow, shy with social equals and overbearing towards inferiors, treats Mr Hardcastle as the landlord and, mistaking his daughter for a servant, courts her. With the arrival of Marlow's father, Sir Charles, the tale of mistaken identities finally unravels.
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/she-stoops-to-conquer#ixzz1WHXswCht

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吉里奇( ! ^ ^ ! " ^ 80 上課,他講的是《李爾王》,包括三個方面: 1 ,主要情節; ...
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... 她屈從於妥協》。這個中國劇本太歐化了。李先生扮演一個迂腐氣十足的舊官吏,可是
他講的卻是滿嘴最時髦的幽默話,真是矛盾得可笑。馬小姐表演摩登女郎真是駕輕就熟, ...
