2017年3月18日 星期六

Derek Walcott, “Map of the New World: Archipelagoes”

 Derek Walcott (1930-2017) 的這首詩, “Map of the New World: Archipelagoes”,童元方1992年雙十在哈佛翻譯過:"新世界地圖"

文題為:"詩在水上  不在山間--瓦科特的詩",收入【一樣花開】,台北:爾雅,1996,頁199-208

Derek Walcott, “Map of the New World: Archipelagoes”

At the end of this sentence, rain will begin.
At the rain’s edge, a sail.

Slowly the sail will lose sight of islands;
into a mist will go the belief in harbours
of an entire race.

The ten-years war is finished.
Helen’s hair, a grey cloud.
Troy, a white ashpit
by the drizzling sea.

The drizzle tighten like the strings of a harp.
A man with clouded eyes picks up the rain
and plucks the first line of the Odyssey.
