2012年5月31日 星期四

Life is no ‘brief candle’ to me

他忙碌得不想到死  他為生活的目的而欣賞
      生活不是殘燭 而是光亮的火炬

* 翻譯有點改動原文可能是
I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake.
Life is no ‘brief candle’ to me. It is sort of a splendid torch which I have a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it over to future generations”.

Words of Knowledge: Life is no brief candle to me – G.B. Shaw ...


Life is no “brief candle” ...   解釋 Brief Candle..出自莎士比亞

www.thecoachingcenter.net/Newsletter/..... - 翻譯這個網頁
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George Bernard Shaw –. In an address at the Municipal Technical College and School of Art, at Brighton in 1907. Life is no “brief candle” ... (1) Macbeth (V, v, ...
www.thecoachingcenter.net/Newsletter/.../BriefCandle.... - 翻譯這個網頁
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George Bernard Shaw –. In an address at the Municipal Technical College and School of Art, at Brighton in 1907. Life is no “brief candle” ... (1) Macbeth (V, v, ...

Graham Greene Lord Rochester’s Monkey...D.H. Lawrence : Selected Essays

可能只有老英會用flutter和 tip兩字
' I like a flutter myself, could you give me a tip, I wonder, for Brighton on Saturday?'
'Black Boy,' Hale said,'in the four o'clock.'
'He's twenty to one.'
Hale looked at her with respect. 'Take it or leave it.'
---Brighton Rock  by Graham Greene

說許老師還有台灣史三部曲 (三本) 台灣短篇小說評論等 應該陸續出版

那種英文 每字多是短短幾幾個字母 讓人大駭異英文之美與力
( 這猶如羅素在哈佛大學 G. Santayana 宿舍為其朗誦英詩 讓主人驚訝英文之美)
昔日讀 I. Berlin 知道邱吉爾的史學著作都將計畫送學術界專家評
(兩年前許老師說過昔日在牛津 曾與Berlin 先生談過.....去年他去牛津大學評博士論文 東海的一些政治事情.....)

Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 每個文豪都有傳記好文章 除了自己的回憶錄 他為先祖寫的傳記
Churchill wrote a biography of his ancestor
John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough in the mid 1930s

2012年5月29日 星期二

The Egoist

 談一則讀書感想,讀《余光中集‧ 第九卷,頁.440》,很羨慕年輕時碰到好老師,他上英國小說,
老師要求一學期看八本,分別為:《金銀島》、《愛瑪》、《簡‧愛》、《咆哮山莊》、《河上磨坊》、《大衛‧高柏菲爾》、《自命不凡》、《回鄉》。「我們讀得雖然吃力,卻也津津有味。唯一的例外是梅里迪斯的傑作《自命不凡》(The Egoist by George Meredith),不僅文筆深奧,而且好掉書袋。」


讀點The Egoist by G. Meredith


If this line of verse be not yet in our literature,
Through very love of self himself he slew,
let it be admitted for his epitaph.
*The Project Gutenberg Etext of The Egoist, by George Meredith* #6 in our series by George Meredith

2012年5月17日 星期四

This little piggy went to market.

This little piggy

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"This Little Piggy"
Roud #19297
Written by Traditional
Published 1760
Written England
Language English
Form Nursery rhyme
"This Little Piggy" or "This little pig" is an English language nursery rhyme and fingerplay. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19297.



Children playing This Little Pig.[1]
The most common modern version is:
This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.[2]

Finger play

"... This little piggy had roast beef..."
The rhyme is usually counted out on a person's toes, each line corresponding to a different toe, usually starting with the big toe and ending with the little toe. A foot tickle is usually added during the "Wee...all the way home" section of the last line. It varies by the intensity of the tickle, and which parts of the foot are tickled. These often depend on by whom the game is played. The rhyme can also be seen as a counting rhyme, although the number of each toe (from 1 for the big toe to 5 for the little toe) is never stated. The game is usually played on a baby or young child.


The first line of this rhyme was quoted in a medley "The Nurse's Song," written about 1728, a full version was not recorded until it was published in The Famous Tommy Thumb's Little Story-Book, published in London about 1760.[3] It then appeared with slight variations in many late eighteenth and early nineteenth century collections. Until the mid-twentieth century the lines referred to "little pigs."[3]


  1. ^ Wentworth. Work and Play with Numbers. p. 14.
  2. ^ Herman, D. (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 9.
  3. ^ a b Opie, I.; Opie, P. (1951). The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (1997 ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 349–50.


Wentworth, George; Smith, David Eugene (1912). Work and Play with Numbers. Boston: Ginn & Company.

 英國豬走向中國餐桌This little piggy went to China's ravenous market英國《金融時報》 路易絲•盧卡斯報導

Britain's ailing pig industry will be able to start exporting offal, trotters and other culinary delights to China, the world's biggest pig meat market, under a breakthrough trade deal to be sealed as early as next week.
Jim Paice, the agriculture minister, is heading to Beijing this weekend to put the finishing touches to an agreement that has been five years in the making.
本週末,英國農業大臣吉姆•佩斯(Jim Paice)將赴北京,為一項磋商了5年的協議敲定最後一筆。
“I'm almost certain that during my visit we will be able to tie up the final loose ends and British pork can be on its way to China,” Mr Paice said. “We estimate we can easily sell £50m of pig meat almost at the drop of a hat.”
British pig farmers, abattoirs and processors are struggling in the face of high input costs and of pricing constrained by aggressive retailers trying to win over cash-strapped consumers. The industry, which generates a net contribution of £300m to the economy, has halved in the past decade.
Sales of the “fifth quarter” – tails, ears and other parts spurned by British diners – would build on a healthy trade in chicken feet and hearts already sold to China.
Sell ​​ing the bits that would otherwise be binned, at a cost, should theoretically fatten the incomes of abattoirs and farmers, said Chris Jackson, export director at the British Pig Association. It should not result in pricier bacon at home.
英國養豬協會(British Pig Association)出口主管克里斯•傑克遜(Chris Jackson)表示,這些部位原本只能以較高的成本丟棄,現在銷往中國,理論上可以增加屠宰場和農民的收入,而且應該不會導致英國國內培根價格上漲。
Chinese farmers sell their pigs for twice as much as their British peers, partly because of the country's insatiable appetite for all things pork and “because they are not being screwed by the supermarkets – yet”, said Mr Jackson.
According to the OECD, China produces and consumes half the global output of pig meat. Chinese demand is growing as more wealth translates into more meat on dinner tables. “There is no doubt at all – and the Chinese are quite open about this – that they cannot produce their own pig meat supplies for the foreseeable future,” said Mr Paice.
British pigs have greater fertility, with the average sow producing twice as many piglets a year – up to 32 – as her Chinese cousin. That explains the next export agenda: pig semen.
The UK already sells live breeding pigs to China but has struggled to jump through veterinary hoops on semen. Mr Jackson said he will invite Chinese vets next week to make inspections in late July.
He believes genetics is “what China rea​​lly wants”. Despite the small size of the British industry Mr Jackson says it is a world leader. “Even America comes to us to buy genetics, mainly pigs but also sheep and cattle.” Genetics improves pig economics, he says. British pigs can be fattened up for the kill in just three months but Chinese pigs take a year – or about 260 additional days of 6kg of cereal-based feed for half-a-billion animals. “Take that away and you can see how the genetics industry can do such a wonderful job for planet Earth,” said Mr Jackson.
他認為,基因才是“中國真正想要的”。傑克遜表示,儘管英國養豬產業規模小,卻是全球的佼佼者。 “連美國人都跑過來向我們購買基因,主要是豬的基因,不過也有牛羊。”他表示,基因可以改善養豬經濟。英國豬隻要3個月就能養夠膘,屠宰,但中國豬要用1年——即中國的5億頭豬,每頭要用6千克穀物飼料多餵養260天左右。傑克遜表示:“減去這些額外投入,你會發現基因工業可以給行星地球帶來如此美妙的變化。”
While farmers applaud Westminster's efforts, even Mr Paice conceded the country has lost a head start. “The fact is we export more food to Belgium than we do to all the Bric countries [Brazil, Russia, India and China] together,” he said . “That's a pretty damning indictment of our efforts.”
